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2 Years On My Journey !

I have been on my hair journey (on & off again) for two years. I hope the on and off can still count. I don't feel as accomplish as many other girl who hit the two year mark. The ones that have cut off all damaged ends off and have a head full of curls, but hopefully I get there. I didn't start from relaxed hair & I didn't have any sort of big chop I was already a "natural" with a flat iron obsession. I did have some trial and error from protein problems to having a weave problem.

What Have I Accomplished: 

1. Using less heat! 
I use to use heat every week to almost every other day it was horrible. But when I started my journey I barely used it. I would use it twice a month to once a month. Even though it was not eliminated completey I chilled out with it plus I started using heat protectant and learning to rollerset

2. Protective Styling
I bun my hair literally an entire semester and after that I was a bun addict. Bunning is so cliche in the hair world but I'm telling you it has done wonders for my hair. Its definitely what had helped me reach my length before my self trim gone wrong incident. Also twist out disasters is what lead to buns in the first place but now that I finally learned how to twist correctly and what to use it has been another go to style for me. Also protecting hair at night. It has gotten to the point where I'm kind of scared to put my head on a cotton pillow lmao! seriously thou I have a satin pillow in case there days I go without my bonnet. 

3. Learned something about my hair
  • Low Porosity which explains why my hair is protein senstive if you were to go back to all my pervious blogs you would see that I was always questioning if I were proteins senstive. 
  • When I keep up with M&S my hair has less breakages and I have a better wash day for some reason
  • My hair loved, at a point, co washing. It's starting to warm up to it again. yes!!
So it's not much but I'm still learning everyday about my hair 

Here the embarrsing pictures that start *Hands over face* lol

Spring 2011 ----> (When I started learning about healthy hair) My actual Natural Hair

<---Summer 2011
(When I started to actually take care of my hair) First Twist Out

<------ Fall 2011
(Changed Hair Color Again.)
Twist out on dry hair 

                   Spring 2012----->
          Colored again & almost bsl

<---- Fall 2012 & Then I did this lmaoo! I remember how pissed off I was that I did this to myself but looking back now its so funny lol. This was my major set back through out my journey lol. Self trim gone wrong

----->Winter 2013 My First Weave 

My Buns 2011-2013

Also decided to show a picture of me when I had relaxed hair. I don't know why my mom stop getting me relaxers but this is when I was 7.


  1. Happy HHJ Anniversary!

    Even with your mini "setback" (and I use that term very loosely) your hair looks beautiful!

    1. Thank You, It was mini lol but I learned to stay away from scissors now lol.

  2. Replies
    1. Thank You Dessy & Congrats On Being Ft On Hairlista & Blackhairinformation. Your Hair has done great in just a year!


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