1. Perfect a Twist/Braid Out - Almost There I tried different products for achieving a defined twist out some days were good others were bad. I learned that I can get a really good twist out on second day hair & I did retwist my hair nightly cause doing the pineapple method did not work.. Using Grapeseed Oil & water is my favorite combination to get a almost perfect twist out. Also allowing the hair to dry before putting it up in my bonnet. If I don't I would wake up with bent looking twist which always ruins the look of my braid outs.. 2. Baggy 2x Week I baggy 2x a week the first week the second week once and after that stop. I noticed that bagging my ends made them really soft and moisturized. I've added this to my regimen because it gave me great results. But instead of twice I just do it once a week with Grapeseed oil. 3. JBCO has been done everyday to every other day but it was done 4. Stay Away From Protein For this entire month I had stood away from pro...