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Wash Day

My wash day had been a successful one. I haven't had these results in the longest time! Clarifying my hair definitely made a big difference let me tell you, lol.

  • I Prepoo my hair with my JBCO for 20 minutes without heat and then 30 minutes with heat
  • I then rinsed out the oil and proceeded to clarifying my hair. I had used ORS Aloe Shampoo, I had a packet so why not. (It felt great) I was massaging the shampoo in my scalp really good and smoothing the length of my hair with the shampoo. I was washing my hair with the shampoo for at least 2 minutes it felt like lol, seriously thou. That build needed to go!
  • I then rinsed the shampoo out and followed up with my Herbal Essence Honey I'm Strong. That's when it hit me! I was able to feel my hair soften up so quickly and detangling went pretty good. Definitely better then before. But once my hair had soften up I was just amazed. Just a few days ago I was complaining about how my beloved HE weren't working anymore. But lets see if my HE conditioners would work again when I cowash (which is what I use them for)
  • I then Tshirt dried my hair and applied my deep conditioner which was Tresseme Naturals Conditioner mixed with EVOO (I haven't used EVOO in awhile) I then deep condition for 15 minutes without heat and then 30 minutes again with heat.
  • When I had rinsed the DC out I had SOFT, MANAGEABLE AND MOISTURIZED Hair! I was so happy!
  • Apply my leaves which never worked for me either which was the Aussie Spilt End leave in & Elasta QP H2 Leave In

My end results were pretty good I woke up with damp hair but it felt moisturized until it dried up. It wasn't that dry but it felt like it needed some more moisture. I didn't do anything special but two twist in my hair since it was already 3 am, I was exhausted. Hopefully I can get those results again thou *crosses fingers


  1. Sometimes a good clarifying session is just what you need :). Glad your wash day went well, hun! HHJ


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