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Macadamia Repair Masque l REVIEW

After getting a sample of this product from Ulta I was completely blown away from the results I received after trying it for the first time. I was convinced that I needed to get the full size jar because of the way it left my hair. This product does come with a hefty price but I truly believe that it is worth every penny. ($48 for 16.9 fl. oz)

Our Deep Repair Masque is a hair reconstructor that will penetrate and rebuild damaged hair for improved shine and elasticity.
  • Enriched with Macadamia & Argan oils
  • Deep nourishment & long-lasting conditioning
  • Ultra-conditioning hair reconstruction
Deep Repair Masque is an intense treatment. Use no more than twice a week (What is says on the back on the jar)


My Thoughts:
I have been using this product for a month now and I feel now I can give a HONEST review on this product which is that this product is pretty good and lives up to it's claims. Keep in mind this product isn't suppose to be consider a MOISTURIZING deep conditioner it's a REPAIR Masque. I used it every other week leave it in my hair for 30 minutes sometimes an hour depending on how I was feeling. A little will go along way because every time I would apply it to my hair she would easily suck up the product. Once I rinsed it out there are absolutely no tangles. Detangling is a breeze with this product with every use. ALSO I HAVE NOT USED AN ADDITIONAL OILS TO THE PRODUCT JUST USED IT AS IS.

Now this product is good because like I stated it lives up to its claims. The very first time I used it the product made my hair feel moisturized. But after a few uses my hair wasn't getting the same results as the first time. Sometimes it did other times it was like a guessing game. Yeah it made my hair soft but it didn't feel like "OMG My hair feels like silk" like no that was never the case after the first use. That was because my hair was pretty damaged when I first used it but after awhile using this product continuously being that your hair is "temporally repaired" from the first two times it's not needed again. This product almost works like a "protein" because it repairs and once your hair is back to health it's not really needed anymore. I wouldn't recommend to use this product after doing any type of protein conditioning because I did and I realized that it did nothing to bring back the moisturizing properties in my hair which is when I realized that THIS IS NOT A MOISTURIZING DEEP CONDITIONER. It does condition your hair but that's to help with the detangling process in my opinion. I didn't see no type of breakage when I would detangle  there was probably one or two strands of hair in my comb and that's all. Which is always a pleasant view for anyone lol.
The results I would received once I'm done rollersetting/flat ironing my hair is shiny, soft to the touch, full of body and movement and my ends didn't look fry.
Last but not least the smell of this product is divine it isn't a strong overwhelming smell. It does stay in your hair for the first two days after your wash day which I love because the smell is amazing !!

In conclusion yeah I enjoyed the product it did everything it said it would. I can defiantly see myself repurchasing because it did help minimize my hair breakage and being that my hair is pretty much protein sensitive I am able to use this weekly without experiencing any horrible breakage or drawback compared to when I would use the Aphogee 2 Min . I give it a 4.5 because it delivered, just wish it would have more moisturizing properties. Maybe if I would have added EVOO & Honey who knows maybe it would have given me more moisture. I'm going to give that a try next and I will have a update on that post about how it went.

Rating: 4.5/5
disclaimer: This review is MY opinion on how this product works on MY hair. Remember EVERYONE HAIR IS DIFFERENT


  1. I really want to try this product!

    1. You should give it a try if you have an ulta around you they usually sell the mini packet for 4 or 5 dollars. Thats what I did before I decided on purchasing the full jar. I like the product enough that I would repurchase the it again.

  2. I've always wondered about this product. Great review. Thanks for the info!


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