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Protective Styling + Update # 4

At a point I thought that doing protective styles wouldn't help me achieve any length but boy was I wrong. During the spring I was doing protective styles like my life depended on it. I decided to give it a try to see why everyone would say protective styling is the best way to retain length . The main protective style that I was doing was buns. They were my go to everyday hair style and I began to love the look. At the time I wasn't thinking about length I was more concern with the health of my hair. Meaning my buns were usually curly buns done on freshly co wash hair or even old braid outs. Through out my life I can't recall a time were my hair was below my bra strap and now it finally is. All the credit goes to  my protective styling and not using heat all summer. So ladies I recommend to do protective styling as often as you can especially buns. .

My plans for the fall is to hopefully have healthy ends by the time the winter comes in. I'm planning to get my trim by the end of this month and I am due for one since I haven't had one for some time now. I feel that if I had gotten a trim before the summer started I wouldn't have to worry much about my ends being kind of nasty right now. Even though they don't feel bad but I do notice some spilt ends so I need to get those trimmed. I also came up with a regimen that I'm planning to stick to for the fall and see how it works out. I am pretty nervous being that it does involve heat but only twice a month so hopefully there won't be any damage (Regimen will be posted). I'm also going to try and incorporate some co washes through out the month just to boost some moisture in my regimen. I just know when I start my classes again my hair becomes a second priority thats why I decided every two weeks besides once a week and also because there is going to be heat involved so just heat twice a month sounds better then four times Right?!

Ladies Tell Me What You Think About Heat & Washes Twice A Month ?


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